Ribbons, which are produced from many different materials such as cotton, satin and grogren and used in many areas other than the textile industry, are textile accessories produced in many colours, widths and thicknesses.


Ribbon types, which are frequently used in many areas such as the fashion industry, home textile, souvenirs and so on, are offered in different colours, thicknesses and widths. Ribbon types with different weaving contents include options such as jute, grosgrain, wire, chiffon, organza, satin and silk. These products, which have a wide range of options such as lace, bias, rubber ruffles, are among the most preferred outfits. Ribbon options, which have been popular since the 1800s, can be considered in a wide range of areas from home decoration to clothing.

Colors and Sizes of Ribbon Types

It is possible to process the ribbons, which have very rich options in terms of color and size, with different techniques. Varieties that you can vary depending on your imagination and taste can be used in panel decorations, notebooks, boxes, cords, borders, laces and much more. Varieties enriched with different techniques create a unique image in the environments they are used in contrast to their reasonable prices. Ribbon varieties woven in a unique style can be used in flower making and decoration areas. Ribbon varieties that increase the value of the products used help you to add a unique air to the products. Ribbon types, which are preferred by those who want to make special touches on the products, can also be preferred because they are affordable. The ribbons, which you can have in every color and pattern you can think of, are produced from quality fabrics. The models, which are an integral part of the accessories, are designed to appeal to all tastes.

Timeless Elegance with Ribbon Types

Ribbons, which are among the most popular textile products of all time, complete the decoration of the areas where they are used. You can make your choice among the rich product options that appeal to everyone and buy them effortlessly. The types of ribbons, which allow the clothes to be much more eye-catching, add a unique atmosphere to the products. For the ribbon types you are looking for, visit Polkom instead of going from store to store. Take advantage of our rich product range and strong stock network. These varieties, which are in the most suitable sizes for the area where you will work, are waiting for you with their dazzling elegance.